Tuesday, July 2, 2013



Market PlaceHarbour

In Lord of Ultima, it is possible to trade with other players. A trade can be carried out by the sale of resources or by direct delivery in a city. The resources are transported by land or sea.


Carts are used to transport goods on a continent. The number of carts is based on the number of market places and their level. A Level 10 Marketplace has 200 carts. One Cart can carry up to 1000 resources. Carts move at 10 minutes per field.


Trade Ships are used to transport resources by sea. The number of Trade Ships depends on the number of harbors and their level. A Level 10 Harbor has 30 Trade Ships. A Trade Ship can carry 10,000 resources. A Trade Ship moves at 5 minutes per field; they also require one hour loading time. The return trip also requires this extra one hour of time, presumably for unloading.
Harbors can only be built in Cities that have water access, i.e., Cities that are located on the coast or next to a river. However, a City located on the corner where a river changes compass direction away from a city (i.e., on the outside corner of a river bend), doesn't have water access. If a City does have water access, building spots for Harbors are in the bottom, right-hand corner of the City. Harbors are built in water spots next to the coast and there are a maximum of eight slots.


Trade View is opened by clicking the “Trade” button along the top of left panel and contains five tabs. Fours of these relate to Trade: Send Resources; Own Offers; Other Offers; and Request Resources. (Note: the fifth tab is “Purify Resources”.)


Clicking on the “Send Resources” tab enables the sending of resources to a desired City. The City you want is selected by one of three methods: a) selecting the City from a drop-down list (if it’s one of your own); b) clicking directly on the City; or c) by entering the City’s coordinates manually. Quantities of resources available in the source City (your currently selected City) are displayed, as are the number of available Carts and Trade Ships. Simply choose the amount(s) you wish to send, how they are to be delivered (land or sea) and click on the now-active “Send resources” button. Off they will go!


Resources can be traded on the open market and exchanged for gold. To do this, click on the “Own Offers” tab. Select the resource and amount you wish to sell. The quantity of resources to be offered are set in blocks of 1000 (by land) and 10,000 (via sea). Select the transport type (sea or land). The price per 1000 resources can be chosen freely. Finally, you can choose the maximum acceptable transport time. Click on the now-active “Create new offer” button. If the goods are sold, you will receive a report with the details.


To find the offers of other players click on the “Other Offers” tab. There you can select which resources you are looking for and set your highest acceptable price and longest acceptable delivery time. To see all offers, set maximum price to zero. Pressing the “Find offers” button displays offers. To purchase, click the row and enter the amount you want; click the “Accept offer” button to complete purchase. The resources are then automatically delivered by the seller to the destination City (which is your current City).


The Request Resources tab allows resources to be requested from your other Cities. To use this feature, after clicking on the tab, select the requested resource type (one type at a time, per request), the minimum amount you’re interested in and the longest delivery time. If a minimum amount is zero (0), all Cities within the time parameter wil be listed. Click the “Find Resources” button and all possible Cities will be listed. Select a City, choose how much to request and the method of delivery (land or sea). After the order is confirmed by clicking on the “Request Resources” button they will be immediately sent to the destination City (from where the request originated)

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