Thursday, July 14, 2011

First 7 Days Tutorial

Do this anytime you get a chance:

  • Join an alliance - there are plenty of alliances looking for members, just type "looking for an alliance" in general chat and someone will probably respond to you.  If that fails, email the recruiter of an alliance you find on ranking.  You may want to join the training alliance of an established alliance on your continent.  They will probably provide you with better protection, guides, and leadership.
  • Read everything on LoU wiki.  Knowledge is power.  Read up!

Day 1
  • Finish the tutorial
  • Plan the layout for your first city (see previous post First City Layout
  • Upgrade your town hall to lvl 4
  • Build a warehouse
  • Build 39 buildings woodcutter huts/quarries in the best locations (locations that would produce the most resources.)  You can see the production of that building by hovering over it on the autoplanner 2)
  • Upgrade all buildings to as high as you can.  Upgrade all the level 2 before you upgrade any to level 3. If you have LoU tweak installed, just type the letter "l" and your lowest building will be added to the building queue.  [Don't hit it too fast or LoU will lock you out.  If you get locked out, try loging out, disable LoU tweaks, restart browser, log back in and enable LoU tweaks.]
    • Optional: you may ask for resources from alliance members and upgrade your town hall to lvl 5
Day 2
  • Upgrade your town hall to level 5
  • Build 10 more buildings of woodcutter huts/quarries in the best locations
  • Upgrade all buildings to as high as you can, but save enough resource to build town hall to lvl 6
  • Upgrade your town hall to level 6
  • Build 10 more buildings of woodcutter huts/quarries and keep on upgrading
  • Try to get 3k/hr wood and 2k/hr stone production by end of day

Day 3
  • Upgrade all buildings to has high as you can, save for TH lvl 7
  • Upgrade your town hall to level 7
  • Build 10 more resource buildings/cottages in the best locations.  Notice that you will start building other types of resources food/iron and cottages now.
  • Upgrade all buildings
  • Try to get 6k/hr wood 4k/hr stone and 200% construction speed

Day 4
  • Upgrade all buildings to has high as you can, save for TH lvl 8
  • Upgrade your town hall to level 8
  • Build 2 marketplaces
  • Build 8 more resource buildings/cottages in the best locations.  This will include some sawmills and stonemasons and townhouses
  • Upgrade all buildings
  • Try to get 12k/hr wood, 8k/hr stone, 2k/hr iron, 2k/hr food, 1k/hr gold and over 500% construction speed by end of day.
  • If you have extra resources, you can sell them on the marketplace to get extra gold

Day 5
  • Upgrade all buildings, save enough for lvl 9
  • Upgrade your town hall to level 9
  • Build 10 more resource buildings/cottages in the best locations.
  • Try to get 15k/hr wood, 12k/hr stone, 4k/hr iron, 3k/hr food, 4k/hr gold and over 1000% construction speed
  • If you have extra resources, you can sell them on the marketplace to get extra gold

Day 6
  • Upgrade your town hall to level 10
  • Build a trinsic temple, a moonglow tower and a barrack
  • focus on upgrading trinsic temple and moonglow tower to lvl10.  Upgrade your marketplaces so you have at least 250 carts.
  • Save up to have at least 100k wood, 100k stone, 75k iron, 25k food, and 100k gold
  • Recruit a baron (50k iron 100k gold)

Day 7
  • Look for a space close to your current city on the regional map.  Optimize for spaces with lots of surrounding forests or hills.  You get more wood if the city is next to forest, more stone if it's next to hills.  It should be less than 1 hr away from your current city by cart.  The closer it is to your current city, the better.
  • Send out your baron to found the new city.
Congratulations!  You've found a new city.  Now you can use the autoplanner to build another city.  This city won't have the trinsic temple or a barrack, but still has the moonglow tower and 1 or 2 marketplaces.  Aim for over 80k/hr resource production.

What you DON'T need to build:

If you're in an alliance that doesn't make an enemy out of themselves, you don't need to build hideouts, cityguards, any traps, towers, walls, or any military buildings.  Don't build a castle until you have at least 10 cities.  If someone plunders you, just purify all your resources so they don't get anything.  


  1. Hello there I find your guidelines very informative and helpful. I have a question regarding : 3. If you have LoU tweak installed, just type the letter "l" and your lowest building will be added to the building queue. I am not clear where it is I am supposed to type the L in that would be great if we could upgrade the building automatically. Thanks in advance Lady C

  2. There isn't a box or anything to type the letter "l" in. When no building is selected, just type the letter "l" on your keyboard.

    Similarly you can hit the letter "a" to assign the lowest building to the building minister (if you don't have resources available, you can still add it to the queue) This only works if you have a building minister.

    Better yet, you can use "Ctrl l" to fill the building queue if you have enough resources, or "Ctrl a" to fill the building queue and assign buildings minister if you don't have the resources.

    Let me know if it works.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For the subsequent Cities what should be the city type(eg. food city,gold city,resource city etc.)..?? OR can u tell in which order should we go to create new cities..??
    -with regards

    1. I updated the blog to include second city layout ( and subsequent city layouts (

      I don't build gold cities. I get gold from raiding.

  5. Why did I use this before! It's some much easier! Thanks for the blog. Keep Posting!

  6. Just want us to be better/further along and my frustration really came through that day.thank you.
