1. Pick an area that's surrounded by natural resources. In the regional view, you'll see the green fuzzy areas, those are forests, yellow bumpy things are hills and silvery rocky things are mountains, and the empty areas are plains. You also get more if they are perpendicular to your city then diagonally. The new city should also be close to your existing cities.
- forest = more wood
- hills = more stone
- mountains = more iron
- plains = more lakes (better for food cities)
Depending what resources you need the most, you should find an area that has the resources you need. For example, when you just started, you need mostly wood, stone and a little of iron and food. The spot below would give you a lot of wood, some stone and a bit of iron nodes and a couple of lakes.
2. Use the autoplanner.
- This is a city I just founded today (not in the same location as above) http://bit.ly/nz5ZcM. This is empty without any building
- I use the autoplanner at http://2.latest.loof78.appspot.com/lou_city and the following arguments:
- I got this http://bit.ly/oABcRX
3. Tweak it a little to add a couple of farms for food, a warehouse for storage, a marketplace shipping and a moonglow tower for purification. The final layout is this http://bit.ly/o2Okz6
- 55k/hr wood, 22k/hr stone, 5.6k/hr iron, 3.5/hr food. 85k/hr total production
- 2000% construction speed at max
- 1.1million wood storage, 375k stone/iron/food storage
- shipping and purification abilities
how to use placement schedule..?